"We facilitate national and international environmental cleanup, recycling, and restoration operations."

"Welcome to Environmental Restorations Group, where we dedicate ourselves to the revitalization and conservation of our planet's invaluable ecosystems. As stewards of the Earth, we understand the urgent need to restore and protect our natural environments for current and future generations. With a relentless commitment to sustainability and innovation, we embark on a journey of environmental restoration, breathing life back into depleted habitats, rejuvenating biodiversity, and fostering a deeper connection between humanity and nature.

At Environmental Restorations Group, we believe that every action counts in the fight against environmental degradation. Through collaborative efforts, cutting-edge technologies, and community engagement, we work tirelessly to heal the wounds inflicted upon our planet. From reforestation initiatives and habitat rehabilitation to waterway cleanup projects and sustainable land management practices, we are dedicated to making a tangible difference in the health and resilience of ecosystems worldwide.

Join us in our mission to preserve and protect the natural world. Together, let us embark on a transformative journey towards a more sustainable and harmonious future for all life on Earth."


Environmental Restorations Group, LLC
PO Box 1482
Laurel Springs, NJ 08021



(215) 397-7597  Angela Cooper
(856) 885-3247  Shawn Martin
(352) 427-3102  David (Augie) Burttram Jr